Is there a future for professional senior photos? Since every pocket has a “good” camera in it now, why would anyone pay someone to talk “professional” photos of a high school senior any more?

Good question.
In some cases, those snapshots on your phone are perfect. There is a even a handy portraiture mode to blur out the background like the pros do with the expensive equipment. And you and your friends can go just about anywhere with a phone camera without having to drag a ton of equipment, get a permit, smile for a stranger, etc.
I totally get it. There are fewer and fewer of us that do what I do…and I’ve worked myself into a very specific “niche” of only really doing the high schooler age group and/or their families.
I’ve been in professional photography for over 15 years. I’ve seen a lot of trends come and go, lighting styles, clothing styles, specialized equipment, and more. I’ve even tried some of it, before settling on what I love and doing it to the best of my abilities.
I am “passionate” about what I do – and how I do it. Not because I have anything against kids or even parents going out and taking photos with their phones. But because there are some teenagers, not all by far, but some, that need something extra.
They need to feel AMAZING. And they can’t always get that from a group of friends…or just a few quick photos.
My job, as it has evolved, allows me to help this age group find their beauty. To feel amazing about themselves, to feel empowered to BE themselves.
So here I am, doing what I love. Not everyone will get it. Not everyone will want to pay for it. Not everyone will be a client of mine. That’s ok.
For what I do, and how I do it, that’s ok.
Senior portraits aren’t dead, but the old way of doing them is I think. Yes, you need and want great images, but this age group needs to have the confidence builder that this experience brings. At least with me, for my business.
Will you be my client?
#seniorportraits #VAseniorphotographer #professionalseniorphotos #loudounhighschoolphotographer #graduationphotos #seniorphotoexperience #confidencebuildingphotos
You are simply amazing!! I would not trade my treasured photos of both of my beautiful daughters and our family photos for anything. You definitely helped my senior this year with finding her confidence. You are extremely organized, talented, and also caring!!