Cap and gown senior pictures do not have to be the old traditional photo holding a rose and smiling “sweetly” into the camera. While I’m not saying that style doesn’t work for me, I would like to introduce the concept of having a little fun with cap and gown senior pictures.
The cap and gown can be a bit tricky because not all schools will release the actual cap and gown to the graduating seniors until very close to graduation. And the senior’s actual cap and gown will include the “adornments” as I call them – the extra cords to represent clubs and achievements, honor stoles, etc. So while you might really want graduation photos for a grad card announcement, due to the timing of the process you might have to settle for a generic cap and gown to get what you want.
But not to fear, I can help with that too. For now, let’s talk about how we can take some fun photos with the cap and gown and celebrate the end of senior year.
What can we do your cap and gown? Check a few of these out
©2017 Patty Schuchman Photography. Please do not crop out the watermark if sharing this image. ©2017 Patty Schuchman Photography. Please do not crop out the watermark if sharing this image. ©2015 Patty Schuchman Photography, LLC Please respect any watermarks on your images and do not remove, recrop or alter the watermark or image in any way without permission of the photographer
Cap and gown senior pictures can be fun. And while you might think you’ll just take some photos on your actual graduation day, trust me from my own experience, that day is for you to enjoy, and for family photos with quick candids. A great photo with good looking hair (not hot and sweaty from sitting in the sun) happens when we take deliberate photos. So why not grab the lot of it and take some fun cap and gown senior pictures?
My Parting Shot session – the last senior pictures session
Most my senior sessions include a session I call my Parting Shot. It’s a short session in the spring before you graduate and it’s for you to bring back your cap and gown (or use one my generic ones), and something that represents what you will do in your “next phase”. If you are going to college, bring college spirit wear. If you are going to trade school, something that represents that trade. If you plan to go into the military, bring a uniform. Whatever you want, but this last senior pictures session “ends” the senior year story and it’s really important.
And don’t forget the next phase stuff – here’s McKinley rocking the college spirit wear with just a little smoke bombs to add to the fun….

Don’t have your cap and gown in time? No worries..
I stock a large supply of the local school colors in caps and gowns. I also update my tassel charms yearly, so I always have this year’s current charm. I carry a few cords, and some generic stoles, so we can usually find a good balance for any senior picture session that wants a cap and gown photo included.
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