Can you have a high school senior AND family photo session too? Yup!
When Sam booked her senior session this spring she booked the Ultimate session- and than used the second full session of her booking for a family portrait. We had some challenges with weather, but in the end were able to get everyone here over the weekend before the last round of rain began. Here is a sneak peek for the Kahn family of how great their session was!
You can have high school and family photos, too! It’s the perfect time to update the family photos because with someone going off to college, the family “picture” is changing. And the next option for family photos is typically at someone’s wedding… so don’t put off the family photos!
There are many reasons people put off the family photos, but the biggest one I hear is that mom or dad don’t like the way they look right now…which is silly if you think about it. Putting off the memories could mean your kids are left without those important reminders of their family as it is, so one day they won’t have anything tangible to see it again.
We can, and need to, get past thinking we’ll take the photos next year if we lose weight, improve muscles, fix teeth, or find a better outfit. Take the picture.
Take the picture.
Take the picture.
Do YOU have enough photos of your parents?
See more high school senior and family photos on my websites –
Family photographer –
High School Seniors –
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