Adorable Irish Setter Puppy Family in the snow
Just because they are dogs…pardon me, Irish Setter pups…does not mean they aren’t a family. Look at them…a big brother, a big sister and a little baby puppy…maybe not blood related, but they are growing up together and play together and are probably as bonded as any of us to our siblings.

Well, maybe we don’t play the same way…but puppy play and energy is so full of abundance and exuberance, who can say that isn’t a form of love? (I know personally, so many people who don’t get that kind of enthusiasm when they visit their relatives)
I had a thoroughly good time photographing this family of Irish Setters just this past weekend in the portrait park. Even the snow on the ground added a playful element to this unique family photo session! Their energy and enthusiasm was delightful!
What is your definition of family?
Big brother Tyler, big sister Katie have welcome little Allie with so much love and I think she will repay that for years to come with love and loyalty back!
Here are just a few more from the day…I have so many for their human mom to see, but wanted to get this sneak peek up as soon as possible. It was so hard to pick my favorites!
So first, let’s pay homage to the Irish Setter pups older siblings…this breed is just beautiful from the long soft ears to the soft silky heads… the oldest, Tyler, is 8+ and just carries himself with an air of royalty (when he looks at the camera at all, which I understand is not often)
And 1 year old Katie still has her puppy energy, but managed a pretty sit for me so I could show her off as well!
And then, there is Allie…so full of life and love…at just the tender age of 14 weeks she has so much ahead of her!
Here’s Allie…
Thank for reading and I hope you’ve enjoyed the new Irish Setter puppy family. If you have a puppy family, or just a loved canine I hope you’ll take the opportunity to have photos done of him or her so you will have them with you forever.
After all…they are family. Family photos sessions pricing with furry ones can be found on my web site at
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